Cityville Guide

I never intended to play Cityville, let alone write a guide for the game, but a good friend of mine persuaded me to play it and now I can see that there is a need for a guide. I still do not intend to write a proper guide, but will log some of the quests and various strategies as I continue to play.

Cityville in terms of gameplay and options is more similar to Frontierville than FarmVille. Quests appear in the left margin of the screen and completion of Quests is one of the keys to unlocking new options. Constant interaction with Neighbours, both through Requests and by visiting other Towns is another key strategy.

You begin the game with 5 Cash and 7000 Coins and 12 Energy. Your first instruction or Quest is to build a Cozy Cottage from the BUILD Menu. It costs 200 Coins with a population of 10 - 20 and Rent that is gained at the rate of 50 coins per hour.

Once you purchase the house, you are required to place the skeletal structure and then build it. Every construction project requires a different amount of energy. A small house like the Cozy Cottage requires only 2 Energy to complete.

Once complete:

Samantha: You'll be Mayor in no time! Look for Goals on the left.

After this declaration, a Goal will appear, requesting that you:
Name your City!

A Town is Born!
Congratulations! Pick a great name and grow your town into a thriving city!

When you have done this, the Zynga Gazette will appear with the news that your named town has been born. You now have your first opportunity to 'Share the News and Coins'.

As in Farmville, with completion of any Goal, you have an option to post on your Wall. Players who click on your post will receive a variety of rewards, from Coins, to Experience Points to Items.

At this point, Samantha, your 'in-game' Neighbour, will suggest that you 'Add Neighbours'. This is Zynga's attempt to fish for new players. Do as you please, but I would recommend that you play the game a little before you decide to suggest it to any friends who are not familiar with it yet.

Now another Quest appears:

Let's get this town growing!
Increase Population to 50
Reward: 50 Coins
HINT: Use the BUILD Menu to build Houses. Houses increase Population.

Note that more than one Goal may appear simultaneously. When this is the case, I will list all the Quests that appear before I give any details about them.

All actions in Cityville are connected. In this respect, it is similar to 'Harvest Moon'. You cannot increase your Population beyond a certain point until you have built Community Buildings to support it. Building Businesses is only the first step in your commercial success. You need to obtain Goods to supply all your businesses regularly. Growing Crops and harvesting them creates Goods, but until you create Storage Buildings, you will have a very limited capacity in terms of the number of Goods you can create or accept.

Some of the new goals will be unlocked when you complete specific Goals. Others are unlocked when you reach a specific Level. Goals dependent on the growth or harvest of specific Crops cannot be unlocked until you unlock the Crops in question. Usually, a specific Crop will be unlocked at a certain level of Experience.

Goals that are unlocked specifically by reaching a certain level include the 'Unlock Cruise Ships' Goal and 'Vive La France' Goals, which become available only when you reach Level 20.

Expansions and building Roads are the key to unlocking new options as well. As in Harvest Moon, if you move forward gradually but steadily in all areas, planting and harvest Crops, building new homes, businesses and community buildings as well as increasing your Storage and supply of Goods in order to be able to keep all businesses running, you will unlock new options regularly.

Note here that the value of any House, Community Centre or shop is enhanced by the decorations that are placed near it. Buying Decorations and doing some landscaping therefore is not a frivolous activity but can increase your revenue.

Planting and harvesting Crops is an integral part of Cityville even though a player must create primarily an urban environment at the start of the game. You cannot harvest Crops, however, unless you have a place to store them or are able to use them instantly. Building Silos and other Storage Buildings, therefore, are integral to your success in business and in completing goals that are related to farming.

Visiting Neighbours is an important aspect of Cityville. Whenever you visit a Neighbour's City, you will obtain the following rewards:

50 Coins
3 Energy
1 XP

You can perform a total of five actions in any Neighbouring City. These include the following:

Collecting income from homes
Sending tour buses to businesses
Reviving Withered Crops
Watering growing Crops
Harvesting Ripe Crops

You will gain Reputation Points when performing these actions.

A new option has appeared in Cityville with respect to Neighbours. It is announced in a Quest entitled:

Goal: Love thy Neighbour!
Samantha: You can now ask neighbours for specific help in your City. Place hearts so your neighbours know what you need!

Love Thy Neighbours
Reward: 100 XP
Place 5 Hearts in your City
Click on the arrow button to select the heart tool. Level up ypour reputation to get more hearts!

Click on 10 Hearts in your Neighbours' Cities
Visit City Sam to help you progress on this task!

A Player must be at a certain Level to unlock this Goal, however. It may require a specific Reputation Level as opposed to Experience Level.

As with Harvest Moon, a player can do as he/she pleases, ignoring the Goals that appear on the left side of the screen. In doing so, however, he or she will discover that it may not be possible to achieve the primary significant Goal of becoming Mayor of his/her own City. Performing all Goals allows a Player to move forward to the more advanced Goals, unlocking new Buildings, a City Port, a Seaport, new Decorations and winning recognition as the Mayor. The richest experience, therefore is possible only if a Player is willing to cooperate with the gameplan.

Note that there are no time limits to achievement of the Goals. If one disappears from the list on the left side of the screen, it will be retained in the Goal Notebook which can be accessed at any time.

Building primarily is a matter of obtaining the skeletal form of the Building, then using Energy to complete it. In the cases of many of the Community Projects and some Businesses, there is an added requirement to staff the building once construction is completed or to furnish it using specific materials. Doing either requires the use of Requests.

There are two methods by which Requests can be made and the game determines which of these should be used in any instance. One method is by posting to the Player's own Wall. The other is by sending Requests individually to some or all Neighbours or Friends.

If a Friend who is not a Neighbour wishes to 'help', he/she must allow Cityville access to his/her personal details. Some Facebook users are reluctant to allow this if they are not interested in playing the game. You therefore are best advised to send Requests only to Players who actually play Cityville themselves or are interested in doing so.


Franchises are an important aspect of life in Cityville. To be truly successful, you must allow Neighbours to open Franchises in your City by placing Empty Lots for them and request Franchises of your businesses in your Neighbours' Cities.

Franchises are created with existing businesses. At low levels, your Businesses will net less income than the Businesses you can open at higher levels. In order to open a Franchise in a Neighbour's City, you must have sufficient money to build it. You then need to be able to supply it on a daily basis if you wish to reap the rewards.

When you have built four or five Franchises, you will be given the option to create a Headquarters for that business in your City. This is a building that allows you to manage your Franchise. Although you can manage different business franchises from a single Headquarters, each Franchise has its own distinctive HQ and you will be given an option to build a Franchise for each as you expand into other Cities with the business in question.

Some Expansion goals include:
Build Headquarters
Break ground now on your first HQ!
Rewards: 200 Goods

Build HQ Building
HINT: The HQ is in your inventory.

Build Headquarters
Goal Complete!
Reard: 200 Goods
Congratulations, the sky's the limit. Literally. Share secrets of getting higher with friends.
Share HQ XP

You can obtain these Goals even at Level 9, but you will not be able to add another Franchise in the form of a different business until you reach Level 10.

Run Remote Franchise
Goal Complete!
Reward: 50 Coins
You've run your franchise and increased my confidence. Share your wealth of knowledge now.
Share Franchise Coins

Expand Franchise
Goal Complete
Rewards: 8 XP
Talk about vertical success! You've added floors to your HQ. Tell your friends!
Share Growth XP

Two new goals now:

Fuel Town Finances
Your town needs more cash in the bank.
Reward: 2 Energy

Collect from businesses 10 times
20 Cash to finish

Collect from REsidences 10 times
23 Cash to finish
Reach a population of 250
8 Cash to finish

Franchise Expert
The true test of running a franchise is longevity.
Rewards: 2 Energy

Supply your Franchise 5 Times
HINT: Click your HQ, then click Supply
18 Cash to finish

Place 1 Empty Lot
HINT: CLick on Empty Lots in your Friends' Cities.

Initial Goals:

Early Goals for every Player begin as follows:

First Neighbourhood
Goal Complete!
Samantha: Did you know: Mayors can build seaports? Give your friends coins to start their own city!
Share Coins now

Hi, I'm Conductor Charlie! My trains always run on time! Here's free Goods for your City.

You will receive your first goods from the train that arrives. Two new Goals now appear: 'Build a Bakery' and 'Farmin' with Rita'.

Build a Bakery:
Bonjour! My name is Chef Andre! Your growing population is impressive! Build me a magnifique bakery and you may earn my vote.

Build a Bakery!
Build me a divine bakery.
Reward: 25 Goods
Buy a Bakery
Supply a Bakery with Goods
Collect from a Bakery
HINT: Collect coins only after 10 customers are served.

Build a Bakery: Goal Complete!
Reward: 25 Goods
C'est bon! Tell friends about your new bakery, and I'll tell them you're running for Mayor!
Share your Goods

With completion of the Bakery Goal, two new Goals will appear on the left: 'Plant a City Flag' and 'The Pastry Tour'.

Plant a City Flag!
Greetings! I'm Governor Phil! You've made a solid start turning this town into an official city. Time to take it one step further!

Plant a City Flag
Governor: According to law, every city needs an official flag.
Reward: Unlocks City Hall.
Place City Flag
Hint: The City Flag is in the BUILD Menu under Decorations.

Goal: The Pastry Tour!
Andre: I must examine the competition in other cities.
HINT: Click Samantha's picture on the bottom bar, then click the VISIT Button.
Reward: 25 Goods
Click on 1 Neighbour's House
Click on 1 Neighbour's Business

The Pastry Tour
Goal Complete
Reward: 25 Goods
Merci! I'm thinking you have the right recipe to be mayor. Tell your friends about your pastry tour!
Share Pastry XP

Note: Whenever you visit another City, you will be able to perform a total of five actions. Click on houses to collect income and on businesses to send Tour Buses.

Goal: Farmin' with Rita
Rita: Howdy, I'm Farmer Rita! My family and I have so many chores to do. Can you lend us a hand?

Rita: You're a sweetheart for helpin' us!
Crops make goods! So be sure to harvest your crops before they wither!

Farmin' With Rita
Reward: Grey Bunny
Harvest 4 Crops.
Plant 4 Crops
Hint: Click on the Build button and then the Farming tab to find crops to plant.

Farmin' With Rita
Goal Complete.
Thanks fer helpin'. Looks like you found a lost bunny in the fields! Share the news!
Share Harvest XP

At this point, if you completed the Bakery Goal and the Farming Goal, you should reach Level 4, unlocking Corn as a new Crop.
Goal: The Lost Bunny!

The Lost Bunny!
Gee Willickers! A Lost Bunny! What a cute 'lil bunny! Looks like she needs a home.

Goal: The Lost Bunny!
The Lost Bunny
Find the Bunny a home.
Reward: 50 Coins
Place Grey Bunny
Hint: The Grey Bunny is in your Inventory.

This Quest is designed to alert the new player to the fact that often new Items will appear in his/her Inventory.

The Lost Bunny
Goal Complete!
Reward: 50 Coins
The 'lil bunny looks mighty cozy in her new honme! Share your hoppin' success!
Share Bunny XP

Now you will have only the 'Place the City Flag' and 'The Pastry Tour' Goals to complete.

Completing the Pastry Tour Goal appears to unlock 'The Fussy Baker' Quest.

The Fussy Baker
Reward: 1 Energy
Excusez-moi! I require the finest chocolate!
Only your friends can send the chocolate I require. Ask them, s'il vous plait.
Ask 2 Friends to send Chocolate!
2 Cash to finish
Ask Friends!

Post the request for Chocolate on your Wall.

Place the City Flag
Governor: Goal Complete:
Governor: Great! Now you can build a City Hall! Tell your friends you're now on the path to being an official city!
Unlocked City Hall
Give Flag XP

Another Issue of the Zynga Gazette will appear, announcing your success in raising the flag for your City.
Share the News and Coins

Build City Hall!
Reward: 8 XP
Samantha: Once there's a City Hall, we can choose a Mayor!
The City Hall will be your office, if you win the Mayoral election!
Build City Hall

You will find the City Hall construction project in the Community Buildings section.
It costs 1000 Coins and requires 5 Energy to complete.

To staff City Hall, you need to hire three friends.

Build City Hall
Goal Complete
Reward: 8 XP
Now that you've built your City Hall some one has to be Mayor. I NOMINATE YOU!
Share XP

There will be a Zynga Gazette Announcement as follows:
Freyashawk nominated for Mayor!
Will Mayor bring Seaport and Worldly Goods to Freyasville?
Share the News and Coins
The reason I mention this detail is because attainment of the office of Mayor is one of the first primary goals in Cityville. Until you are elected Mayor, you will be unable to build a proper Seaport.
The method by which the office is ‘won’ is through the completion of the Goals that appear on the left side of the screen. Ignore any of these goals at your own peril. Like Harvest Moon, you can play this game and enjoy it without performing the goals, but you will be unable to move forward significantly as new options are unlocked by the achievement of specific goals.

When you have completed the City Hall goal, you will meet Paul.

Hello, I'm Paul! I'm a simple man. Lumberjack by trade. Lookin' forward to life here and supportin' ya for Mayor.

Clear Trees!
Paul: I need yer choppin' help!
Help me knock 'em down, and I'll help ya become Mayor!
Reward: 100 Coins
Clear 3 Wild Trees
3 Cash to finish

When you have chopped the third Tree, Samantha appears.

Samantha: Neato! You found a Time Capsule!
I wonder what secrets have been kept about the folks who first claimed this land?

Clear Trees: Goal Complete
Reward: 100 Coins
Paul: We've chopped 'em down and you're ready for buildin'. Share your axe-cellence with friends!
Share Tree XP

Two new Quests now appear on the left.

Rita's Flower Garden and 'Find Hidden Key'. Rita's Quests and Paul's Quests appear to be linked to some extent in terms of advancing your research into the City's ancient history.

Rita's Flower Garden
Rita: This'd be a darlin' spot for a garden!
Reward: 200 Goods
All these items are in the BUILD Menu under Decoration.
Have 6 Shade Trees
6 Cash to finish
Have 2 Pink Flowers
2 Cash to finish
Have 8 Blue Flowers
8 Cash to finish

Goal: Find Hidden Key
Reward: 100 Coins
Samantha: Open an 'old' chapter and learn about the rich history of your city!
Is the key buried on Rita's Farm? Harvest crops to search and see.
Harvest 4 Carrots
8 Cash to finish

Find Hidden Key
Reward: 100 Coins
Goal Complete! You've begun to reveal the secret past of the city. Share the historic news with friends.
Share History XP

When you do:

Family Album Found!
You've uncovered a mysterious Family Album! Complete more Goals to reveal the secrets hidden in the historic land beneath your city!

After clearing the three Trees for Paul, he will give you a new Goal as well:

Clear Neighbours' Trees!
Be neighbourly by helping another city clear their trees.
Reward: 50 Goods
It's time to apply your chopping skills to help the neighbours.

Clear 5 Trees in neighbouring cities.
15 Cash to finish

N.B. You can clear the Pastry Tour and the Neighbours' Tree Quest at the same time, earning:

Share the Love! (Level 2)
Your Reward: 40 Goods
The higher your reputation the more visiting bonuses you can get each day! Want to show your friends some bonus love?

Clear Neighbours' Trees
Goal Complete!
Reward: 50 Goods
Paul: Nice job on the Neighbour's trees, they are truly pleased. Tell friends whatcha done!
Share Paul's Coins

When you return from this expedition, you may see a new Goal from Paul:

Build Paul a Home!
Build my family a home and we'll support you for Mayor!
My family's grown for sure. We'll need a good home.
Rewards: 100 Coins

Have a Country Home
10 Cash to finish
Place 5 Decorations
10 Cash to finish

The Country Home costs only 600 Coins, requires 2 Energy to build and raises Population by 30 to 50 people. You can collect 10 coins per hour as rent.

Here again, you can combine goals. If you did not plant Rita's Garden yet, you can buy Decorations that satisfy her requirements as well as those of Paul, such as Shade Trees.

Build Paul a Home
Reward: 100 Coins
Paul: My family and I are dern produ of our new home! Tell friends about your good will!
Share Building XP

Rita's Flower Garden
Goal Complete!
Reward: 200 Goods
It's exactly what i was lookin' for! I'm sure your friends would love to take a peek at it.
Share Flower Goods

A New Goal appears, unlocked by the completion of Paul's Home.

Family Feast!
We're due for a great feast. I love big ol' family feasts, will you help us with the ingredients?
Reward: 1 Energy
Harvest 4 Crops
8 cash to finish

The quickest crops to grow and harvest for this goal are Strawberries.

Family Feast
Goal Complete!
Reward: 1 Energy
Paul: What a great feast, we ate until we got lazy! Tell friends about your hunger to be Mayor!
Share the Goods!

The following Goals of 'Open New Businesses' and 'Fourth of July' Quests can appear even before you have built the City Hall.

Greetings! I'm Edgar. I've made my money the old-fashioned way. Doing big business! Together, we'll make this town thrive!

Open New Businesses
Edgar: No time to toy around, we need a Toy Store.
Reward: 25 Goods
Build a Toy Store
HINT: You may need to increase your Population to unlock the Toy Store.
Toy Store: Cost is 800 Coins

Open New Businesses
Goal Complete!
Reward: 25 Goods
Good show! You got down to business in a big way. Your mayoral qualities and apparent.
Give Business Goods

Goal: The Burger Joint
Some food the whole family can enjoy.
Reward: Unlocks Modern Chateau
Edgar: Some food the whole family can enjoy.
You've started off great, now keep going strong with a convenient restaurant.
Build a Burger Joint
10 Cash to finish

The Burger Joint
Goal Complete!
Unlocked: Modern Chateau
Well done, indeed! With business finesse like this, your bid for mayor is sure to succeed.
Share Burger Coins

With this, two new Quests should appear, 'Build a Silo' and 'Build Edgar's Chateau'.

Hey there, I'm Conductor Charlie!
The fast trians from Charlieville are comin'! Time to get working on the railroad!
Build a Silo!
I'll be shipping you tons of Goods. Get big silos!
Reward: 50 Coins
Place 2 Storage Silos
HINT: Silos are in the BUILD Menu under Farming on the second page.

Build Edgar's Chateau
Build me a home with materials worthy of my stature.
Reward: 400 Coins
Have a Chateau
Place 6 Decorations

Build a Silo
Goal Complete!
Reward: 50 coins
Charlie: Great job! You're on track for my trains. Tell your friends you're chuggin' along.
Share Silo Goods

The Fussy Baker
Goal Complete
Reward: 1 Energy
Magnifique! Sales are sure to go up! You'd make a great Mayor someday!
Share Baker's Coins

Completion of this Goal unlocks the Cinco de Mayo Quest

Gosh! I love Cinco de Mayo! What do you say we throw a big party with festive food and music?

Cinco de Mayo!
Get your Cinco de Mayo party started!
It won't be a real Cinco de Mayo party without a great atmosphere and food!
Reward: Mariachi Band

Have 1 Taqueria in your City
20 Cash to finish

Ask for 3 Maracas
40 Cash to finish
Ask Friends!

Harvest 30 Corn
45 Cash to finish

Fourth of July Fever
Man, I love the 4th of July! It's almost as fun as coaching!

I. Brain Freeze
The name of te game is preparation!
Instead of a trophy, let's earn an Ice Cream Parlour!
Collect from City Hall 2 times!
40 Cash to Finish
Have 2 Strawberry Collection Items
Get 3 Baseball Caps
HINT: Ask your friends for them!
25 Cash to Finish
Ask Friends

II. You Made Me Proud
Reward: Liberty Bell
You Made Me Proud
Goal Complete
We need to eat before the fireworks show! BBQ on 3! Ready! Break!
Share City Reward

Goal: Red White and Blue
A Dynamite Meal!
Join Jack's team and help him with his BBQ!
Reward: Fireworks Shop
Let's Get Fired Up!
Nothing's more American than cooking out on a hot grill!
Collect 4 times from Burger Joint
15 Cash to finish
Send 30 Tour Buses to Burger Joints
HINT: Click on Burger Joints in your Neighbours' Cities
25 Cash to Finish
Get 10 Packages of Hot Dogs
100 Cash to finish
Ask Friends

Build a Silo
Goal Complete!
Reward: 50 coins
Charlie: Great job! You're on track for my trains. Tell your friends you're chuggin' along.
Share Silo Goods

Hey there, I'm Conductor Charlie!
The fast trians from Charlieville are comin'! Time to get working on the railroad!
Build a Silo!
I'll be shipping you tons of Goods. Get big silos!
Reward: 50 Coins
Place 2 Storage Silos
HINT: Silos are in the BUILD Menu under Farming on the second page.

The Burger Joint
Unlocked: Modern Chateau
Well done, indeed! With business finesse like this, your bid for mayor is sure to succeeed.

Build Edgar's Chateau
Build me a home with materials worthy of my stature.
Reward: 400 Coins
Have a Chateau
Place 6 Decorations

The Fussy Baker
Excusez-moi! I require the finest chocolate!
Reward: 1 Energy
Ask 2 friends to send Chocolate
110 Cash to finish
Ask friends!
(Wall Post)

Paul and St. Pats!
Prepare a festive St. Patrick's Day meal!
Reward: 300 Goods
Andre needs your help with cookin' up a Corned Beef and Cabbage dinner!

Have a St. Patty's Pub
Collect from any St. Patty's Pub 5 times

Harvest 10 Cabbage

Upgrade City Hall!
I'm Frank, the new architect! Upgrade your City Hall today to allow for more populations and rewards like Zoning Permits!

Animal Rescue
Make the Jungle Animal welcome in its habitat!
This will be a sgreat start for Eloisium Zoo!

Build Jungle Habitat!
Please a Jungle Animal
HINT: Click on the ungle Habitat to open the Zoo Menu.

Hello, dear, it's Ruth!
The pigeons and I are going shopping to get goodies for our dinner with Edgar. Can you help?
Help Ruth ad her piogeons make a 'crazy' dinner!
Edgar and I have different taste in food, but if the pigeons like it we're fine
Unlocks Department Store

Have a City Supermarket
Collect fro a Tofu Burger Joint 5 times
Ask friends for 7 Bird Seed

Hey, it's Paul!
I'm doin' some remodelin' and I need to get the right tools! Would you build me a Hardware Store?
Collect from the Hardward store, you might find the building materials you need!
Reward: 320 goods
Place Hardware Store
Complete Hardware Store

Upgrade Warehouse
Now you can store your businesses, residences and community buildings in your Deluxe Warehouse.!
If you have at least four friends staffed in your Warehouse, you can click on it to upgrade it for free!
Add more space to your warehouse by having four fcrew members staffed.

Upgrade to a Deluxe Warehouse

Store a residence in your Deluxe Warehouse

Sam De Milo has arrived!
Don't be history, build and upgrade the Museum for a chance to earn Marble! Find it in the BUILD Menu under Community Buildings!

Expansive Thinking
Expand your City
Reward: 100 Goods
Goal Complete! Congrats on your progress! Share your expansive thinking with your friends. Share thinking XP

Open for Visitors
We just received the plans for a new Visiotor Centre. This will be great for our tourism and will also let any vistor to the city know a little more about Freyasville.

Invite Friends to work in your Visitor Centre.
Reward: 10 XP
Have a Staffed Visitor Centre Placed in your City.

Visitor Centre Opened
Your Visitor Cente is now a reality. This should really help tourists fall in love with Freyashville. Clock on it to check out its leaderborads and stats.

Goal: Dance i nthe City
Da! I'm the Great Alex! I lead a Russian Ballet troupe that will perform in your city! Prepare for our visit!

Dance in the City
Unlocks Fine Arts THeatre
Get your city in shape for the Russian dancers! Please welcome my troupe with a comforable place to live and 'limber up'!

Have 4 Modern Chateaus (should be Chateaux)

Get 3 pairs of Ballet Shoes
30 Cash to finish
Ask Friends!
Post to wall

Gather 3 CD Players
HINT: Collect from Loft Apartments and Stylish Contemporary Buildings
18 Cash to finish


When you complete the City Hall, you are NOMINATED for Mayor.

City of Industry
Goal Complete!
Reward: 400 Coins
Congrats on your first Factory. The machinery to grow your city is in place!
Tell freinds!

Goal: Get Things Rolling
Hi, it's s=Sam! It's swell that your Fctory is up and running! Now it's time to get industrious and make the goods!

Get Things Rolling
Put your factory to work by producing goods!
At the heart of every successful city is a busy factory that's always producing.
Suplly a businss with premium goods.
Collect premium goods from your factory.

Level 10: Coup de Ville
Unlocks 4 buildings: Emergency CLinic, and three businesses

Level 19 Happy Hood: Unlocks

Upgrade City Hall
I'm Frank, the new architect!
Upgrade your City Hall today to allow for more population and rewards like Zoning Permits@

Get Things Rollin'
Goal Complete!
Reward: 600 Coins
Gosh! Your city's factory is a lean, mean, production machine! Share the 'good' news!
Share Coins

Animal Rescue
Goal Complete!
Reward: Ticket Booth
Your first Jungle Animal is safe in its new home! Visitors love it! Tell friends!
Share City Goods!

Goal: Love thy Neighbour!
Samantha: You can now ask neighbours for specific help in your City. Place hearts so your neighbours know what you need!

Love Thy Neighbours Quest
Reward: 100 XP
Place 5 Hearts in your City
Click on the arrow button to select the heart tool. Level up ypour reputation to get more hearts!

Click on 10 Hearts in your Neighbours' Cities
Visit City Sam to help you progress on this task!

Cityville Experience Levels

Your City's type will change according to Level and each Level usually unlocks new Buildings:

At Level 2, your City will be a Crossroads and Carrots will be unlocked as a Crop.
At Level 5, your City will be a Smallishville and the Wedding Chapel and the Loft Apartments will be unlocked.

At Level 8, your City will be a Young Town and the ability to build a Barn will be unlocked. A Barn adds 415 Storage.

Freyashawk's Journal

Level 20: Freyasville Synchronicity
four more buildings unlocked, two fo them French

A Real Page Turner!
The first Chapter of the Library awaits! Build yours today. You can find it in the Build Menu under Community Buildings.

It's me, Karen the Zoologist! Wildlife is my life! I need your help to build a Zoo Habitat for the Arctic Animal I've rescued!

New Arctic Habitat!
Make the Arctic Animal welcome in its habitat!
This will be a great start for Freyasville Zoo@
Buiild Arctic Habitat'
Place an Arctic Animal
HINT: Click on the Arctic habitat to open the Zoo menu

Jungle Friends
Karen: here's a wild fact! Jungle Animals are happier if they soialise with others! Give yours a friend!

Jungle Friends!
Rewards: Jungle Zoo Gate
Have two Jungle Animals
Place a Jungle Animal in their Habitat

Jungle Friends
Goal Complete!
Reward: Jungle Zoo Gate
Exceptional! You have two happy Jungle Animals in your new Zoo! Tell friends to go zoo-ey!
Share City Coins

I'm Tourist Director Dan! Tourists want to visit your city! Build a City Port so Cruise Ships can visit! Reward: Unlock Cruise Ships and get a Waterfront Condo!

Build a City Port to unlock Cruise Ship
The City Port must be placed next to water.
Reward: Sunglasses
Place City Port
You will find the City Port in your Inventory

Unlock Cruise Ships
Goal Complete!
Reward: Sunglasses
Great job! Building your City Port puts you on course for cruise ships! Tell friends.
Share City Goods!

Another new goal:
Vive La France

I love a Parade!
Bonjour! Bastille Day is upon us and we have a lot on our plate! First up, let's cook up a parade for Freyasville!

Pardon My French
There's only one thing that says 'French than my souffle and that's a fresh Baguette!
Reward: French Cafe

Have 1 Parisian Fountian in your City
Find it in the Decorations section of the Build Menu

Collect from 25 businesses
Have a little tete a tete with your business owners
24 Cash to finish

Collect 4 Baguettes
Ask your friends for a fresh loaf!
50 Cash to finish
Ask Friends

New Arctic Habitat
Goal Complete!
Reward: 80 Goods
Your first Arctic Animal is safe in its new home. Visitors love it! Tell friends!
Share City Goods!

Now I have a new Goal on the left:

Zynga Gazette
Election Coming Soon!
Share the News and Coins

When I built another high rise, Frank told me I could upgrade the Bank now.

Meanwhile, new goals include
Build a School
Vive La France
Fourth of July, Red, White and Blue III
Crop Mastery

Temporary, time-limited Quests:

There are temporary time-limited Quests that appear in CityVille from time to time. One of these is the hiking Quest. When a quest of this type appears in the left margin, you often will see 'Start' beneath the icon.

Three different awards in the form of Gold Medal, Silver Medal and Bronze Medal are given, depending on the speed with which you complete the Quest. In the Hiking Quest, curiously enough, there are two very different rewards irrespective of the player's Trophy award. Some players will see 'Unlock Redwood Trees' as the Reward and others will see 'Forest Cave' as the Reward.

The Quest is as follows:

Take a Hike
Paul: There are a lotta fun things to do in the outdoors, that's fer sure. Come see why they call me a lumberjack of all trades!

One Happy Camper
3 Days Left for Gold
Paul: Well, fluff my flannel! It sure is a beautiful day out there. Whaddya say we go backpackin', eh?!
Get 14 Hiking Boots
Harvest 50 Carrots
Have 12 Items from the Fast Food Collection
Collect rent from Burger Joint